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Every's strategic replatforming for sustainable growth

Tailored solutions for Every's success. Learn how our strategic replatforming strategy empowered Every's global expansion and market dominance.

Every's products and website

For brands aiming to innovate and stay competitive, updating their e-commerce platform can be crucial. Replatforming not only gives them a head start for the future but also ensures their system is adaptable to market changes.

This article discusses how strategic replatforming benefited Every, a pioneering company in Germany offering environmentally conscious, ready-made meals. Every specializes in vegan dishes made from carefully selected ingredients and packaged sustainably. Their meals cater to busy lifestyles, being both convenient and nutritious, ready in just 10 minutes upon delivery.

This commitment to quality and sustainability distinguishes Every in the market.

A strategic replatforming

Every's surge in site visitors, reaching 434K between June 1st and August 31st, underscored the necessity for a more tailored user experience. However, their existing Shopify platform, while robust, lacked the necessary adaptability for Every's evolving needs.

Every reached out to Spell & Sell, as a specialized e-commerce solution tailored to tackle such challenges head-on. Leveraging our proficiency in delivering comprehensive e-commerce solutions, we partnered closely with Every to identify pain points and aspirations.

Subsequently, we devised a strategic replatforming strategy, transitioning Every to a Headless architecture. This migration ensured Every's platform could seamlessly adapt to their growing business demands.

With enhanced flexibility and scalability, Every gained the agility to integrate new features and expand into new markets effortlessly, ensuring continued success.

Every's website ui/ux

A tailored solution for global expansion

In just under three months, we crafted a comprehensive solution for Every, enabling global expansion with support for multiple languages, markets, and currencies. With over 25 customizable modules, Every could tailor their platform to fit their unique requirements, delivering a personalized user experience.

To connect effectively with an international audience, seamless translations were implemented, facilitating easy localization of the platform for Every's customers.

Using React for frontend, Sanity CMS for content management, and custom backend for recurring orders, our team built a new Headless infrastructure. This replatforming boosted Every's e-commerce platform in terms of speed, modularity, and flexibility, streamlining workflow and saving resources.

Real-time syncing with Shopify was integrated for efficient management of products, inventory, and orders across platforms. Additionally, custom account pages and a tailored loyalty program were developed, along with third-party tool integration for enhanced customer engagement and satisfaction.

Overall, our full-stack development and UX/UI design services, coupled with the replatforming effort, significantly transformed Every's business, providing a scalable, flexible, and highly customizable platform tailored to their specific needs.

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