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Boosting sales for D.Louise with custom themes and data-driven decisions

Discover the strategies that led to a surge in sales, average order value, and customer loyalty for D.Louise.

D.Louise Images

D.Louise, a distinguished jewelry brand, embarked on its online journey in 2021, introducing exquisite and lifeproof creations that are backed by a lifetime guarantee. Recognizing the importance of a remarkable customer experience, they sought to enhance their online presence and engagement.

This led them to form a strategic partnership with our team, aiming to deliver an equally unforgettable experience for their customers while optimizing their conversion rate.

Time to craft a unique identity

They faced a significant challenge as they operated as a Shopify store using a standard, off-the-shelf theme. This limitation hindered their ability to fully showcase their unique identity and the exceptional nature of their jewelry creations. As a consequence, D.Louise experienced a low conversion rate, necessitating the need for optimization measures.

Optimizing the user experience

Recognizing the potential for growth and improved customer experience, we presented an innovative solution to their problem – crafting a brand-new, custom theme exclusively tailored to D.Louise’s specific requirements and brand identity.

To make data-driven decisions that the UX/UI changes and the implementation of the custom theme ultimately contributed to boosting D.Louise’s conversion rate, we also conducted a comprehensive total of 25 A/B tests.

A/B testing allowed us to systematically compare different variations of the website, carefully analyzing user behavior and response to each change. During this process, a significant portion of these tests, specifically those focused on the product listing page (PLP) and cart, yielded impressive results.

By rigorously testing and measuring the impact of each alteration, we could fine-tune the website’s design and functionality to optimize its performance and enhance the overall user experience. With 90 to 100% probability, in the majority of the tests, users favored our new UX design over D.Louise’s previous site interface.

D.Louise before and after

Transformative results

Our tailored solutions proved to be a resounding success, exceeding D.Louise’s expectations and bringing their vision to life. The impact of our work on their conversion rate was transformative, with staggering improvements observed across various key performance indicators:

  • Total sales saw a substantial boost of 24%, indicating a significant increase in customer engagement and successful conversions. This growth underscored the effectiveness of our custom theme and UX/UI changes in capturing the attention of visitors and encouraging them to make purchases.
  • The average order value experienced a surge of 17%. This surge demonstrated heightened interest in D.Louise's offerings and the success of our upselling strategies, as customers were enticed to explore and purchase more items, thereby increasing their overall spending.
  • There was a 9% rise in "add to carts", indicating enhanced user interest and a streamlined shopping experience facilitated by our UX design, encouraging users to take the desired actions during their browsing journey.
  • Our SEO optimization efforts yielded exceptional results, leading to a 33% surge in sales from search. This affirmed D.Louise's improved visibility and discoverability in online searches, driving a significant amount of organic traffic and potential customers to their website.
  • The loyalty and customer retention rates were substantially strengthened, with a 24% increase in returning conversion rates. This impressive figure spoke volumes about the positive impact of our work on customer satisfaction and brand loyalty, as customers were more inclined to return and make repeated purchases from D.Louise.

In conclusion, our partnership with D.Louise proved to be a tremendous success, as our data-driven approach and custom solutions delivered outstanding results, elevating their online presence and driving remarkable improvements in their conversion rate and overall business performance.

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